How to Fund Technology Supports

using the Rate Management System
Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 09:15

Are you excited about adding monitoring technology supports within your home or organization, but just don’t know where to start? No problem. Here at the Technology Resource Center, we’ve broken down the Technology Implementation process into five basic steps:

  1. Conversation
  2. Planning
  3. Funding
  4. Implementation
  5. Measurement

If you haven’t already, you should begin conversations, bringing in the entire support team. Next, create a person-centered technology plan that addresses individual goals and concerns. Then–and only then–you should begin your search for equipment & supplies that meet the desired goals/needs. Where we find most people run into barriers that halt the process, is in the Funding stage.

  • Are you wondering what the difference is between Residential and Non-Residential funding?
  • Does the Rate Management System (RMS) have your head spinning?
  • Are you familiar with the 6790?

For monitoring technology paid for through the Disability Waiver Rate System (DWRS), there are two types of funding available—and that funding depends on where the individual is living.

If living in your/their own home (Non-Residential), monitoring technology is funded under a Market Rate Service, either 24-Hour Emergency Assistance or Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA).

If you/they are living in licensed provider-controlled housing (Residential), monitoring technology is funded using the Residential Management System (RMS) Framework.

Here is an excerpt from our Tech 101: The Funding training course, explaining the Rate Management System.

For a complete overview of all of the ins-and-outs of funding, check out our online training series Tech 101: The Funding. The full course walks you through step-by-step how to fill out the 6790 and how to calculate your own rate specific to your organization using the waiver rate-setting framework. The course also explores funding assistive technology and alternative funding options.

Enroll in Tech 101: The Funding


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A proven way to increase both independence and privacy of the person served, this newer monitoring practice is called Alternate Overnight Supervision and can be utilized following a formal assessment of the individual and once informed consent has been given by the person served. Along with obtaining an AOST (Alternate Overnight Supervision Technology) License, defined policies and procedures must be in place.

With newly implemented technology support strategies, it is important to measure the success, not only for persons-served and staff, but the financial success as well. To get a full look at the impact technology supports have had on an organization, providers should consider several key factors when assessing the financial output and associated benefits of the plan in place to determine cost effectiveness.

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Gaining organizational buy-in for change can be difficult, but it doesn’t need to be.

You believe in the power of technology and the benefits it creates for everyday living—for everyone.

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Being a part of an organization that utilizes all available resources to assist not only those you help support, but the staff and overall operations of the compan

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One of the greatest features on Facebook that allows like-minded people to connect outside of their inner circle is groups. A Facebook group is a page that can be created for an organization or business to promote activities or for a specific topic that enthusiasts can learn more about and contribute to the conversation.